Accelerate Sales & Unlock More Revenue

Our most popular webinar, now on-demand!

Are you struggling with slow sales cycles and unpredictable pipelines?

The customer buying journey is hard. The typical buying committee for a complex B2B solution involves 6 to 10 decision makers, each armed with 4 or 5 pieces of information they have gathered independently (Gartner).

As a result of this complex process your prospects drop out of deals at the last minute, you struggle to close deals and your sales pipeline consistently slips through your fingers every month.


Because the buyer journey you know and love is dead. Your prospects have a series of tasks to complete before they purchase with you. This includes exploring different solutions, building requirements and selecting a supplier. 

If you're not helping them through that process from the start, you're not helping them to buy your products and services.

In this workshop, we'll share what the new buying journey looks like and how you can enable your buyers to make decisions, take back control of your pipeline and start speeding up complex sales.

Want to go through the content with an expert? Book a 1-2-1 workshop here.


Access the webinar

Did you know...

of purchases now include a complex buying group
of buyers experience cancelled purchase cycles
of forecasted business is lost due to no decision

What will you learn?

Why your sales team struggles to close new business
Why your sales cycle seems to get longer and longer
What the new buyer journey looks like
How you can enable your buyer to make decisions
How to measure your marketing post the death of the cookie
Much more...

The Speakers

Mike Finn
Mike is co-founder of Intergage Group and managing director of Intergage Marketing Engineers. He has more than 25 years' expertise helping B2B companies to optimise their marketing.
Duncan Marsh
As Intergage's Growth Director, Duncan ensures our sales strategies are up-to-date and working as they should. With a background in web design, marketing and project management, he has a wealth of experience in the areas that matter most to our clients.
Paul Moss
Paul heads up Business Development and Commercial Partnership activities at Intergage. He has more than 30 years' experience in sales, business development, marketing and new product/services introduction for companies in the IT, industrial and telecommunications sectors. He has held Senior Director-level positions with some of the world's most innovative B2B companies.